Friday, December 24, 2010

White Christmas

I always dream of myself celebrating christmas in snow. Yes, white christmas. It has been my dream since I was a little kid. Since the day I can watch TV and saw the snow fall on Christmas Eve.

As the years went by, my dream has not change a bit. White Christmas is still on top of my dream lists. I tried everything in my power to make the dream come true. But nothing came out of it.

Then, a couple days ago, it came into my mind, what if, my white christmas won't ever be true? How will I feel since it is one of my biggest dream. And to my surprise, I felt just fine.

Bukankah Natal tidak berbicara tentang cuaca? Bukankah Natal berbicara tentang permulaan kasih karunia yang menyelamatkan? Dan selama kasih karunia itu terus hidup dalam hati, natal akan tetap lebih indah. Walaupun tidak ditemani oleh salju.

Merry Christmas everybody. Keep the grace of God lives within your heart.


  1. Merry christmast kiaaa,,,
    even in red, black, green, or blue, christmast is chrismast, rite?

    *salam kambing

  2. Thanks ibu Eva...

    hahahahaha... salam kambing vaaaa... yg sabar yaaah jd kambing... :P
