Friday, December 24, 2010

White Christmas

I always dream of myself celebrating christmas in snow. Yes, white christmas. It has been my dream since I was a little kid. Since the day I can watch TV and saw the snow fall on Christmas Eve.

As the years went by, my dream has not change a bit. White Christmas is still on top of my dream lists. I tried everything in my power to make the dream come true. But nothing came out of it.

Then, a couple days ago, it came into my mind, what if, my white christmas won't ever be true? How will I feel since it is one of my biggest dream. And to my surprise, I felt just fine.

Bukankah Natal tidak berbicara tentang cuaca? Bukankah Natal berbicara tentang permulaan kasih karunia yang menyelamatkan? Dan selama kasih karunia itu terus hidup dalam hati, natal akan tetap lebih indah. Walaupun tidak ditemani oleh salju.

Merry Christmas everybody. Keep the grace of God lives within your heart.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Constantly Evolving

Entah mengapa, kalimat ini selalu terngiang-ngiang di kepala gw for the last two days.

Who we are, it's constantly evolving.

Semalem, gw nonton Criminal Minds (one of the best series menurut gw). Ceritanya tentang seorang anak muda yang mengalami tekanan psikologi dan dia khawatir someday dia bakal melukai banyak orang karena penyakitnya ini. Akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hidupnya, untungnya bisa diselamatkan.

Yang paling gw inget dari episode kemarin adalah kata-kata Dr. Reid ke si anak muda tersebut yang meyakinkan anak muda tersebut bahwa semuanya bisa berubah. We are constantly evolving. The future is not written yet.

Yes, it is true. Day by day, we are constantly evolving. You are not the same person as yesterday as you begin the new day. I believe, that life offers so many lesson through day-by-day experience. And, as human being our brain will absorb the experience and life will evolve as our experience grows more and more. You are a decision maker and you are constantly evolving. Decide now, what you want to be in the future and evolve into it.

Who we are, it is constantly evolving.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

New Post, Hello World

Well, after two years not writing even touching this thing called blog, finally I am back to the blog world.

Thanks to Eva, yang sudah memandu gw dan usulan buat nama blognya. :D

I just wanna say, hello world. Tunggu saja jejak-jejak kaki gw yang akan ditinggalkan di blog ini (jika saya tidak malas).